Harmonizing In The Empty Fullness

We are at the dawn of Season Five, it is just peeking over the horizon, a collection of conversations with contemplatives breaking through the noise of the day, to hallow the fields, seas, and trees of life with presence. This infilling of presence reaches out like the chirpings from the old Psalm book, “Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice; let the sea roar, and all that fills it; let the field exult, and everything in it. Then shall all the trees of the forest sing for joy before the Lord.”

13th Century Dominican, Meister Eckhart preached, “All things speak God…all creatures would like to echo God in all their works.” That echo is heard in this season of Contemplify. Contemplify is sparked by this desire to join in the echoing song. Contemplation is not about being told about the Mystery, but being attentive to its vital presence and consenting to being a particular thisness of God, practicing contemplation is about harmonizing in the empty fullness and joining in the songs of the trees.

Season Five of Contemplify won’t change your life, but it might help you become just a little bit more present to it. Episode one of Season Five will greet your ears next week.

photo by Contemplify