
014: The Courage to Be Present: Moving the World Towards Compassion with Marianne Elliot (Activist, Author, Yoga Teacher, Ultramarathon Runner)

013: Filmmaker and Cultural Anthropologist Jenny Phillips on the Wisdom Found Behind (and Beyond) Prison Bars

012: Your Teacher’s Teacher: Mirka Knaster on the Dharma, Quirks and Stories of Munindra (Teacher of Joseph Goldstein, Sharon Salzberg, Jack Kornfield, Kamala Masters and many more)

011: Trailblazing in Academia, David Germano on the Contemplative Sciences

010: Radical Dharma with Lama Rod Owens:  A Fresh Approach to Enlightenment and Social Change

009: Spiritual Wanderings: The Natural Curiosity of T.D. Mischke

008: Sit in Your Shack, and Your Shack Will Teach You Everything, Dialogues with Andrew Gingerich

007: Growing Basil and the Art of Eavesdropping, Dar Williams on Building Community through Positive Proximity

006: Creating Empty Spaces, Toinette Lippe on the Mindful Art of Being

005: The Life and Art of Thomas Merton, Morgan Atkinson on Crafting the Contemplative Documentary

004 Simone Weil: Attention, the Agent of Love with Eric O. Springsted

003: Democracy of the Cosmos: John Muir’s Prophetic & Moral Vision with Donald Worster (Author and Scholar)

002: Julian of Norwich: Loving Without Annihilating Difference with Amy Frykholm (author, editor @ChristianCent, poet)

001: Drinking Beer with Thomas Merton to Kindle the Examined Life

Contemplify Podcast