Advent Outpost from the Backporch (#3)

“Wherever humility goes, all inner disquiet ceases and outward adversities do not produce alarming impressions.” – St. Theopan the Recluse Advent Outpost from the Backporch (#3) This is the last round, my friends, as we tip toe towards the solstice before falling on top of Christmas. This is the last Advent outpost in the series. See, last year my wife and I started an Advent neighborhood get together last year; soup, wine, bread, cheese, poetry, stories, hymns, and children bellowing. A eucharist of sorts, but more with an ancient turn to honoring both the light in the darkness, and the …

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Advent Outpost from the Backporch (#1)

“Rest in God, dear boy. Rest in God.”– W.H. Auden Advent Outpost from the Backporch (#1) My wife and I started an Advent neighborhood get together last year; soup, wine, bread, cheese, poetry, stories, hymns, and children bellowing. A eucharist of sorts, but more with an ancient turn to honoring both the light in the darkness, and the darkness itself. Due to Covid this will not be happening this year. So I am attempting to put the spirit of what I experienced in that neighborhood Advent get together into a Contemplify Advent series. Something not churchy, but more in line …

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