The River You Touch with Chris Dombrowski

“You won’t soon read a more beautiful book, nor one so earthy, wise, delicious, and alive. This is not a book about fish or rivers or Montana or parenting. This is a book, to paraphrase another poet, plain and simple, to break open the frozen sea within.” —Rick Bass I have been waiting years to have this conversation with author, poet, and fly-fishing guide Chris Dombrowski. There is a kinship I feel with Chris’s lens on life. He is a top-shelf writer to boot. The River You Touch: Making a Life on Moving Water comes out October 11th, 2022. I …

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Gary Nabhan (aka Brother Coyote) on Wisdom Gleaned from Fishers & Farmers

“Gary Nabhan’s work reminds us of what I can describe only as a historical wonder…” – Wendell Berry Gary Nabhan (aka Brother Coyote) on Wisdom Gleaned from Fishers & Farmers Gary Nabhan (aka Brother Coyote) is an Ecumenical Franciscan Brother, a first generation Lebanese-American, seed saver, agro-ecologist, ethnobotanist, agrarian activist, and author. A former MacArthur Fellow, he has been called the “father of the local food movement” by Time. He currently holds the W.K. Kellogg Chair in Food & Water Security for the Borderlands. Gary has engaged with farmers and refugee farmworkers in Lebanon, Egypt, Palestine, and Oman. Nabhan keeps …

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Tending to the Spiritual Interior of Language with Lia Purpura

“Lia Purpura’s essays make the tethers between apparently separate things not only visible, but luminous. Frankly, I can think of no better―by which I mean, adamantly, more necessary―quality in art. We are connected to the guy across the way ashing his cigarette. We are connected to the hawk at the dump, the murdered student, the fire ant, each other. And to do it with so much goddamn music! Time and again I found myself re-reading sentences and paragraphs throughout these essays wondering how I arrived where I did. Astonished, and grateful for it. These are some of the best essays …

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